Jun 24, 2021
Marketing is an essential factor in getting new patients and building awareness about your practice. But, whether you’re a new practice owner or if you’ve owned a practice for decades, knowing where, how & what to invest in to drive new patient growth & practice awareness with a lot of effort is a question we all...
Jun 17, 2021
As practitioners, we are all ultimately working towards perfecting our craft & our skills. Being focused on the present, understanding your strengths, acknowledging your weaknesses, and most importantly, the willingness to admit them are some of the lessons that make us who we are. The pathway to success is a journey...
Jun 10, 2021
Often, it can be a challenge to give the best patient experience with the best clinical outcomes. This is because patients often have different demands that can run opposite to what you may offer as a solution - so how do we solve this issue? To discuss this and more, we have invited aesthetic industry veteran and...
Jun 3, 2021
Leading a well-aligned team that shares your passion for providing the best possible care to patients and your vision of practice success is not always easy to achieve. Being able to retain top talent often begins at the very top. Your “dream” team will often have two different key types of leaders: a leader with...